Thursday, October 19, 2006

warm the cold heart

Just finished watching 'Gong' and I loved it. The story talks about how a girl manages to warm the heart of the male lead (the crown prince) and he finally falls in love with her.

The prince is burdened with responsibilities and challenges and yet he has to portray a cold and confident image. But he is a human being, a man after all, who needs to take a break and smell the flowers. This girl simply charges into his life without any warning and manages to turn it around. Both so different in family background, personaility and interests etc, yet they click and fill in the gaps perfectly. Of course a happy ending.

While everyone rejoices for the couple, have they forgotten about the other 2 leads?

The prince's first love who tries hard to win back his love. She may be seen despicable but she is only a woman - a woman who wants to protect her own love. Then later she realises it takes two to tango.

Next is the other male lead. Also a prince with fantastic qualities and an even warmer heart. But he did not win the love of the princess. He has all eyes on her and is willing to do anything for her. The girl is touched but she cannot love him. There is simply no sparks.

My colleague asked me which male lead do I prefer. I said the crown prince. While I appreciate the 2nd prince's love and sincerity but I need someone who is street smart and able to look after me. The crown prince may be cold and has no interest in the girl at first. But all is not lost. Her love for him finally touched him.

This is the beauty of love - learn to warm the cold heart.

Monday, October 16, 2006


I think having options is a great boost to my personal ego. Last Mon, I felt like the female lead in the Korean dramas - enjoying the attention of the 2 male leads. Well I think I am luckier cos I had the attention of more than 2 men. That is definitely a fantastic boost. Well done gal.

But of course i also know that the attention of many guys can never be compared to one particular man - the man I have heart beat for. For a gal yearning for his attention, I only care about his every movement, look and smiles.

The guy who makes my heart beat again after so many years. Will he be the one to make it beat further?

Seriously, I don't need options. I only need his attention.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

heart beat

does your heart beat very fast when you see someone you like? Some say it will beat extra fast. whereas I heard a classic line (can't remember from which drama) - your heart can't be beating at 100+ all the time. You need to find someone who lets your heart beat normally and yet feel comfy with him.

Then how do you know when you like someone? For me, i guess he did not make my heart beat faster. He just make me want to look at him more, smile at him more, talk to him more. Is that called drawn to him?

Then how do you know if he likes you in return? My friend told me if he likes me, he will sms me within 3 days. If not, i can move on. I hope he will sms. Our hearts will beat at the same pace.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

我也是 or 谢谢你

When someone pledges his love to you, what will you say? Thank you or so am I.

It’s always a quad love situation in Korean dramas– A like B but B likes D; and C likes D too. Why can’t love be simpler? Did cupid aim wrongly and try to make up? 还是月老自己让红线缠住?

What will I say? Falling in love is always beautiful but let's all do it gracefully.