Monday, September 18, 2006

life is drama

There is a saying - life is like a drama and drama is a reflection of life. Which is more touching and real then?
It was quite a dramatic week for me.
Firstly I found a long lost friend whom I have lost contact for the past 7 years. I never thought that I would / want meet him again but my memory of him has been daunting on me. So I decided to track him down. Thanks to technology and msn. I found him just like that. Only to know that the guy I once liked is married with 2 kids now and posted back home. It has been a pleasant lost and found. It's always good to know that your friends, especially those you have lost contact, are leading good lives.
Then I decided to do my hair, giving myself a fresh look before meeting him after 7 years. The hairdo turned out nice. Then I was supposed to be happily shopping in JB for the weekend, until I received an sms (thanks to technology again) that one of my friend's mother passed away. It affected me a bit as that friend is someone whom I once loved and hated most, whom I am finally able to face him as an ordinary friend after 3 years.
The climax came when I reached home and found out my dad injured his foot. He slipped in the bathroom and a broken brush went straight into his foot.
It was definitely not a quiet and normal weekend. Drama is a reflection of life, but real life is more touching and real.
Every living being is always learning to take things easy and move on in life. This is not such a pleasant week but we have more episodes to tell.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

my memory

Memories are precious. They will always stay in our hearts and minds. Images might be vague, but the feelings is true.
Memory is an important component in Korean drama and it has definitely captured the hearts of many. It is a pretty contradictory thing actually.
It can be said that someone with memories, is like someone with a past. Someone who has loved and lived truly. And I am more drawn to this type of character. On the other hand, it is also said that someone who lives in his memory, is like living in the past. He is just a walking zombie in today's life.
Recently I have been daunted with my own memory. A memory of 7 years ago. The person is still so alive and my feelings are still so real. I don't know where he is now or what he is doing. But he has always been here, right in my heart and mind. I feel so loved and happy in my memory.
I become lost and lonely when I returned to reality. I know he is just a memory of my past. Someone whom I once knew and loved. Can I love another when I am living in my memory?
Will there be someone to wake me up from this memory? Who will it be?
Memory is good and true. But I can't rely on it to live my life. If he is not going to re-enter my life, I need another to create new memories.
My memory is precious and unforgetable. Yours too.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

is eating important

Everyone needs to eat. Every drama has eating scenes. Every episode has a eating or drinking act.
Whenever someone is leaving, the last words you would say are: remember to eat, sleep well ...
Is eating that important? Do we live to eat or eat to live? After I started dieting, eating is no longer important, but just a reminder that I am still alive. Probably it is a reminder for some people to tell themselves that they are still around and someone still cares for them. It is an expression of affection. Simple but direct. Direct but filled with love.
When someone tells you to remember to eat, be appreciative. And when someone is willing to cook for you, you know you are loved. In the Korean dramas, the lead will cook some nice dishes if the other person is in a foul mood. I was lucky enough to have a guy cook my favourite dishes for me. I know he probably does not hate cooking but is definitely not his greatest hobby. I am thankful that there is someone out there who is willing to cook for me.
Is eating important then? Yes it is. It not only shows that you are alive and being cared for. It tells you that there are people out there whom you should love as well.
Diet aside, eat well.

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Because of my new job, I have been going to the airport pretty often.
Airport is the place for arrival and departure, not for flights but for people. People you know, people you don't. People you care, people you don't.
Every Korean drama will definitely or almost have a scene at the airport. Most of the time is to stop either lead from leaving. Seldom is it for waiting for someone to return home. I guess departure is more emotionally gratifying. Arrival or coming home, gathering is always about being happy and certain. But departure is not. You are not sure what's waiting for you after you leave. Once you pass that departure gate, you are open to new adventures and challenges.
Airport is usually a cold, mechanical building, it's the people who makes it a place that can create drama.
To date, the airport has not created any drama for me. I am waiting still. One of these days when I am departing or arriving at the airport, I will be the lead in my drama.